Well the time has finally come to start the new year, with a new group, as mentioned in 2024, Comic Design & Play Writing Group. It’s all a bit of fun! I have booked the hall in New Chapel, Boncath from 1pm – 3pm, on Wednesday 5th February. There will be a small charge to cover the hall of £2 per person, refreshments included.
You will need the following items, for both Comic & Play Writing:
Sketch pad;
Note pad;
coloured pencils (optional);
Maybe bring some of your books to give you some ideas;
A good imagination!
Have a look back through some of your old books, like the beano/Dandy etc, to see how they have put the stories together. Your stories, could be based on your own adventures, that could be turned into a funny comic story. Do whatever your imagination lets you draw. More details will be given on the day. You can purchased a comic books, on ebay, to start you off. I will bring mine along to show you.
Play Writing:
This could be a radio play, which would be funny, especially if we get some of you writers to play it out? with the sound effects; (optional)
A murder mystery within your village? or surrounding areas?
A comedy of errors?
A mystical play/story
These should all involve a group of people, to add ideas to the scripts.
Please let me know who would be interested in attending, so as I know how many tables to put out, & for refreshments. You can contact me on my e-mail: sharonjswifty82@gmail.com